
© All rights reserved:  --  Zone of No 

 The End 

 The end began with a blinding flash ... 

 Exploding Sun 

 ...then everything died, including me... 

 Our Nova Sun 

 ...blasting particles of matter, earthly debris, to scatter among the stars 

 Finders Keepers 

 ...the massive harvester ship gathered space dust, searching for a piece of life. Then the Clone Makers 

 Cloning Facility 

 ...these collected biomass, ever mixing, combining, and matching, cloning lifeforms together in a deadly competition 

 The Class Clone 

 Four clones for each KyInn. Crafted to perform a single function, this self-contained being 

 Training Facility

 ...After years of training, one KyInn ready for duty

We a Tourist



A KyInn Voyager

 reporting for duty


chapter one coming soon

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